Organic urbanism, better than urban planning
In our vision of urbanism there are no utopias. We don’t even like that word, which literally means “non-place,” nor its connotations, and is always projected into an ideal and unrealistic future. For us there are only eutopias, literally “good places,” and it is no use projecting them into the future. The time is now.
We want to build happy, diverse, livable, identitary and sustainable neighborhoods. Places that are good for the people who live there and good for the planet. We want to break with the social concept of “nice neighborhood” and change it to “good neighborhood,” which is more qualitative and transversal and, of course, independent of its socio-economic conditions.
Eutopian neighborhoods are happy neighborhoods because they adapt to the circumstances of each city. They are exciting because they offer flexible and unique housing and are capable of generating personal identity and contributing to the consolidation of community ties. They are diverse because they make up the urban fabric with permeable buildings and meeting spaces. They enhance mixticity because they offer multiple solutions for habitability. They have a future because they are sustainable and their approach is not artificial.
Unlike utopian cities, eutopian neighborhoods are not a programmed imposition. They come from the personality of the city itself, are designed to provide what it needs, to complement what already exists, and to enhance the identity of the whole. It is not a question of systematizing the city, but of understanding its functioning, shortcomings, and strengths, and intervening in it from an organic perspective. Because cities are alive.
Allonbay Village ASTER
Sustainable architecture in the Mediterranean
+154 houses | +3.150 sq. m of green areas